Thursday, March 12, 2009

For Blogger nerds only....

I have been having a love/hate relationship with Blogger. It is super simple to use, not too hard to change elements and customize, LOVIN the Blog Roll with updates at the top, and most importantly, it's free. So that's the Love part. The Hate? It's the photos. I would take a nice pic, but upon upload, it would get kinda wonky and pixely. I tried all sorts of different things to change this. But nothing I did would keep this from happening. Then suddenly, I did this ONE THING, and tah-dah! It was all good! This is such a huge weight of my shoulders as I was actually thinking of switching to wordpress or typepad.

So I wanted to share this little trick with anyone else who uses blogger to share pictures and has experienced the same problem. These pixels I speak of are most evident in my photos around the edge of a face (see Sam below). Now, I don't know technicalities of why this works. Some HTML person can probably school me. There may even be a much easier way to fix this, but this is what my limited computer smarts led me to do.

So, once you upload all your pics (I upload in LARGE, not sure if it will work for other sizes), click on the Layout tab. Then "Edit HTML." Once you see the hieroglyphics known as CSS, find your image code. At the end of the img tag, right before the "name" of your image, you will see "s400." Change the 400 to 800...and voila, no pixels!



I know some people may think this difference is hardly noticeable, but it is HUGE to me.

Hope this saves the sanity of another shutterbug out there.

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