Friday, December 09, 2005

Snow #1: 10 inches

Lot’s of snow! It just finished, and the sky is beginning to clear and the air is calm and quiet. I love it right after the flakes stop falling, and they still cling to the tree branches and the few stubborn leaves that have yet to fall. It’s supposed to get windy tonight, so that particular aspect of the snow will be probably be blown away by morning. I hope the stillness of the air lasts long enough so I can get a nice picture when I get home. If I do, I’ll post it here!

I think we may head up to Vermont tonight. J is chomping at the bit to get on the mountain for the first time. I could go either way. It would be nice to sleep in late in my own bed after last weekends traveling, but Vermont is relaxing enough to be worth the sacrifice. And I don’t have to do laundry there…or clean the bathroom, or any of those other tasks that you put off and nag at you, letting you know they should be done. When your 80 miles away from the washing machine, you can forget all about it - guilt free. It’s too bad it’s waiting there for you when you get back.

Postscript: This is technically snow #2, since we got 3" while I was in Jacksonville, but since I wasn't here to experience it - it doesn't count!

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