Monday, January 04, 2010

Post holiday slumber...

I hate to even type this...but I feel...gulp...well rested. It's kind of a foreign sensation. While we were down in Virginia, Joe decided to regress to waking up at least 3 times a night. And sharing a room with Sam was less than peaceful. Man, that kid moans and groans and gets all a twitter about his covers. I'd keep thinking he was sick or having a nightmare, only to hear him grumble about his feet being uncovered. I can only imagine he does this at home too, just down the hall and out of ear shot. Thank goodness.

Anyway, I was concerned that Joe may institute this cruel sleep schedule once we were back home. But luckily no. Actually? um, Joe is sleeping until 6 . shhh . Don't read it too loud. I don't want to tempt the sleep Gods to regress him back to 4:30. Which, by the way, was his typical wake up time prior to our holiday visit. I could get him back down until about 6, but that hour and a half was pretty useless as far as sleep goes. But now I can nurse him at 6, and twice since we got home? he slept unitl 8. (why can't you capitalize numbers?) EIGHT. Like, when it's light outside. Holy crap.

I can only hope this is the beginning of a new era. I have a vague memory of what it is like to not be sleep deprived. It was about a month before I got pregnant with Joe. And maybe 2 or 3 months into the pregnancy. But that time doesn't count since even though I got a full nights sleep, the first trimester coma inducing hormones were in full effect. So getting 8 hours of sleep still required a good 2 hour nap to not feel like a zombie.

So I just wanted to share that. If Jay is reading this, he is probably screaming at the computer. SHUT UP! DON'T JINX IT! As if it's hubris and will cause the return of the One-Year-Molar insomnia/scream-fest.

Outside of the sleep issues, we had a great visit down in Virginia. Santa brought many nice gifts on the special Sneak Peek version of Christmas on Christmas Eve Eve.

We shifted the calendar a bit to take full advantage of Aunt Danielle and Uncle Ken who were to depart with the lovely and adorable Kaylee on December 25th. So Christmas Eve morning was actually Christmas at the Unger home. No hitches. You can tell a 3 year old anything. Sucker.

It was nice and relaxing and I must say, we were very proud of Sam.

He went with the flow like a champ. I was worried he would be a little couped up, so we sent ahead all his snow gear, since DC got pummeled a few days before we arrived. However, by the time we left it had all just about melted. He used his boots, but that was about it. Of course, once we got home, we received 18 inches, and his snowsuit and boots? In a box, on a Fed Ex truck somewhere in oh, New Jersey or something. Good thinking Mama.

One highlight of our trip was the visit to the new wing (or rather building) of the Air and Space Museum. It's a GIGANTIC hanger full of all sorts of aeronautical treasures.

They even have a space shuttle.

No surprise that the place was crawling with toddlers. And lots of older gentlemen carrying notebooks and squinting at the signage. If you are ever in the DC area, you must go. It's free...sorta. Fifteen bucks to park, but you can cram as many people as you want in your car.

Not much else to report. Well there is (stolen iPhone) and I will save some for later (new 10-20mm lens!) because I've already written too much. It's nice to be home again, but we miss Grandma and Grandpa.

I would like to wish everyone much joy and laughter, health and happiness for the upcoming year. It's going to be a good one!


anniebel said...

The pictures are always great but the naration adds much!!!! Truly enjoyed! Glad you had a wonderful holiday with the fam! I still say, that 18 mos is the magic date for sleeping children. After 18 mos at least there is mostly regular sleep. Before that it is just an illusion! Best wishes for good sleeping until the 18 mos time line. Hope the sleep Gods stay with you!

jen said...

that mesuem.... omg! How freaking excellent is that? A space shuttle ffs!! I wanna go! I wanna go!!

Yeah, hope he's still sleeping in for you.